In 1954 Detachment 18 returned to Seoul and set up shop on Yongsan AI in the corrugated iron building that was to become it's headquarters for over two decades.
By 1972 (date of photo) the Detachment building was a maze of offices, barracks and of course the "day room". One communal toilet/shower shared by all except by those truly in need who could opt for a trip out back to "emergency" facilities. Interior walls were more like screens, lacking tops or bottoms to allow air circulation as the building remained un-insulated, heated only by diesel burning "tent stoves" (note stovepipes in roof) as pictured until it was condemned around 1976/77.
Many of the Detachment's personnel worked at remote "operating locations" under far more primitive conditions
Around 1973 the Detachment got weather radar. The infamous FPS-103 rumored to have been salvaged from a weather recon B-29. It worked, more or less and if things were dull with a few tweaks you could track air traffic at Kimpo International Airport.